by DianneSalerni | Mar 6, 2010 | Sourcebooks Fire
A couple months ago, if you’d asked me what a Ning Network was, I probably would have guessed it was a cell phone service. In fact, Ning creates really dandy social networks, and I now belong to two:Teen Fire is a site created by Sourcebooks Fire as a place for YA...
by DianneSalerni | Feb 23, 2010 | Sourcebooks Fire, Twitter, We Hear the Dead
Okay, the photo to the right is a picture of my ARCs of We Hear the Dead. Aren’t they pretty? They don’t have a whole lot to do with this blog post, but I wanted to show them off anyway. I’ve already stopped every single person at work who would stand still to look at...
by DianneSalerni | Feb 20, 2010 | education, Sourcebooks Fire, teaching, We Hear the Dead, writing
Anyone who is a teacher will be familiar with Process Writing as taught in the classroom. It consists of steps labeled Pre-Writing, Drafting, Conferencing, Revising, Editing, and Publishing. These steps are often recursive, as writers may conference several times,...
by DianneSalerni | Jan 17, 2010 | screenplay, Sourcebooks Fire, Strider Nolan, We Hear the Dead, writing
I wonder if authors appreciate their editors enough. Writing is a very personal thing, and, especially in fiction, the characters and events created on the page can be vividly real to the author. I imagine that the initial reaction of most writers, when asked to...
by DianneSalerni | Jan 8, 2010 | Maggie Fox, screenplay, Sourcebooks Fire, We Hear the Dead
All in all, I’d have to say that 2009 was a good year for me.My short story “Necromancer” was published in the first volume of a new pulp fiction anthology titled Visions: Chronicles of a Visionary Universe. That thrill was quickly followed by an...