Next August, I’ll be leading a week-long writers conference in Ireland as part of Fiona Claire’s Ireland Writer Tours.  These conferences are unique in that they are part intensive writing classes and workshops – and part vacation. The itinerary includes private consultations with authors and/or editors and visits to:

Tour 3 Poulnabrone

Standing Stones

Inis Mor

The Island of Inis Mor

A Haunted Castle

A Haunted Castle

The Cliffs of Moher

The Cliffs of Moher

A 14th Century Abbey

A 14th Century Abbey

… and many more stunning and inspirational locations!

There are four different conferences scheduled for the summer of 2016, which you can read about HERE. My conference, titled Secrets to Publishing Success, will take place August 21-28, and I’ll be co-teaching with historical romance author Janet Lane. Along with private consultation on the participants’ manuscripts, we will be conducting classes and workshop sessions on the craft of writing and the multiple paths to publication possible for today’s writers.

Coincidentally, back in the fall when Fiona first approached me about the Ireland Writers Tour, my blogging friend Julie Dao had just started posting her experience as a participant in the 2015 conference. You can see one of her posts HERE describing the classes, the food (!), and the accompanying tours.

If you – or anyone you know – might be interested in participating next year, check out all the information on the Ireland Writers Tour website. I’d love to see you there!