As a writer, observing human behavior comes with the job, and sometimes, if you look at your experiences as “research,” it makes aggravating encounters worthwhile.
This past weekend, my husband and I bought some items for our mountain rental house in the Walmart at Mount Pocono, Pennsylvania. We left the store behind a group of five young people all dressed in neat, clean, conservative clothing. The young men wore button down shirts and tan slacks. The young woman wore a high necked blouse and a long skirt. It soon became apparent they were headed for the van marked Christian Life Counseling parked next to our car.
We loaded up our vehicles side by side. There was no way they could have been unaware of our presence. When I was finished, I walked my empty cart about fifteen feet to the nearest cart park and then headed back to my car, where my husband was just getting in the driver’s side. The young Christian counselors – if that’s what they were – finished loading their van and shoved their cart between our two vehicles, completely blocking my front passenger door.
Yup. Because that’s what Jesus Would Have Done.
There was no way for me to get into my car. So I walked their cart to the cart park, too, and they watched me do it as they pulled away.
When’s the last time you observed somebody behaving in a manner completely opposite their advertised appearance?
Have you ever used an observed strange behavior in your writing?
And does writing about it make you feel any better? (It did for me!)
I had to chuckle. These are the incidents that make for interesting character development. Yes. I constantly use my experiences in my writing. 🙂
My mom has recounted that when she has observed obviously mobile individuals with no hang-tag getting out of cars in handicap parking spots (another Living Oxymoron), that she has let the air out of one of the tires of the car. And because she’s a minister, that’s what Jesus Would Have Done too.
I feel bad now, because I would have wheeled the cart and parked it behind their van. Okay, I wouldn’t, but I would have wanted to.
hi miss dianne! yikes! for sure thats not so cool what those guys did getting you blocked. im glad writing bout it could get you feeling better.
…hugs from lenny
Happens too often. Sometimes it can be simple inattention or being preoccupied. Kinda seems that’s not the case when they watched you move the cart. O_o
Whoa. That is mind-boggling. I’m afraid I would have been tempted to “accidentally” hit their car with their cart as I pushed it back. But then I’m not very nice. 😉
Along the same lines, I saw a car festooned with the Christian fish symbol … and the driver, snarling and throwing one-fingered salutes.
Three words: Los Angeles driving.
I am constantly amazed at how ignorant/stupid/asleep people are. I know, I expect too much.
*scratches head* Did you give them “the dagger stare” while moving their cart (O_o)–hope so!