What’s your New Year’s resolution? I’ve been invited to participate in Resolution 2011 by Jon Arntson and Heather Kelly, and I’d like to invite you to join us, as well.
I’m pledging to write every single day in 2011, and for every day I fail to do so, I’ll be donating $1 to charity.
Now, when I told my husband about this resolution his comment was, “That’s not very generous, hon.” Because Bob figures I really will write every day in 2011. He might even be right. So, I’ll start off the year with a $40 donation, and at the end of the year I’ll donate at least that much again – unless I’ve already topped that amount by taking “days off writing” during the year.
I’ve chosen Joy2theWorld as my charity. As most of my blog followers probably know, this is one of Candyland’s favorite charities. Joy2theWorld funds microloans to women entrepreneurs in Ghana so that they can support their families through the ownership of successful businesses, as well as providing training, education, and access to clean water.
Here’s to a year filled with writing …
I hope that all of my blogging friends enjoyed a holiday season that was peaceful/exciting/restful/joyful/productive/reflective. (Pick the one you were hoping for!) I enjoyed spending the time with family and friends, shopping, reading on my new KINDLE, and writing. It was a rejuvenating break for me, and I am thrilled to be back teaching today.
Okay, that last part is a fib, but at least I’m “okay” with teaching today.
That’s wonderful. Best of luck! Have fun teaching, today!
Sweet! I love your charity! And resolution. Let’s do it!!
A great resolution. And I’m with Bob. I think you will write every day. You are too determined and passionate not to, unless you are sick or the kids are sick or you’re on vacation or life has you tied up in various other ways. You have an amazing year ahead of you with a great agent, a book that’s out…life is good. Enjoy it. embrace it. Love it. And blessings always, Buffy
What a great resolution! I love the idea.
Cool! I am resolving with all of you as well. That charity is inspirational! And I am looking forward to how use your Kindle – do you think it will impact at all the way you write?
Love your idea, Dianne. We already donate to different charities, so your plan wouldn’t work for me . . . especially since I have a hard time NOT writing to begin with. 😉
hi miss dianne! for sure me and my family are big supports of joy 2 the world. wow what a cool idea for getting more money to help those people in ghana. id be sending my allowence every week cause so much stuff gets in the way of my writing and mostly i dont write every day. maybe it could help me get busy finishing up stuff i started. i gotta think on it. i think mr bob is right cause youre gonna not have much days you dont write. it real nice that youre gonna give money anyway. j2the world is neat and so is miss candace.
…hugs from lenny
what a wonderful idea.
Oh awesome, Dianne!! I haven’t heard of Joy 2 the World… off to read more about it!!
sounds like a fantastic resolution for this year! And Joy2theworld is a more than worthy charity and candyland is awesome for bringing it to light! Good luck and happy new year!
Oh wow…this kind of got to me. After a horrific weekend, reading this was exactly what I needed. Thank you so much. I have SO much love for you, it’s ridiculous.
Yay!!! I like to hear that you were able to cheer my homegirl up!!! This is so generous and kind!! $40 is already so kind but what a great thing for the charity!
I wish for you to write everyday, however if you do not at least we know money would go to the right place!