On July 30, D.L. Hammons’s WRiTE CLUB will be back, bigger and better than ever. If you don’t already follow D.L.’s blog Cruising Altitude, then you should pop on over now and hit the follow button. Not only does he have a blog well worth reading, he hosts this awesome competition inspired by Fight Club.
Anonymous 500 word entries go head to head each week, the winner determined by reader votes. (Note this rule change from last year: You must sign up via the Linky tool to be eligible to vote. I almost overlooked that one!) The victor of each WRiTE will go on to the playoffs, which begin October 22. And the winner of the final round will be determined by an awesome lineup of industry professionals made up of agents and authors.
It’s not too late to send him your own 500 word entry and enter the competition (instructions on D.L.’s blog), but don’t forget that you also need to sign up to vote. I notice a lot of my blogging friends are already on the list, so I guess I’ll be seeing you there!
There’s also a new feature over at Fiona Claire’s blog, Ageless Druids. (That’s another blog you should check out.) Fiona’s Speed Dating is a writing clinic for working on voice. Writers post a sample of their work looking for advice on how to improve the voice of their main character. Fiona and participants are looking for honest feedback so writers can improve their manuscripts. So, if you’re in need of this service, or if you’re willing to read and advise others, please check it out.
I’m so excited for WRiTE CLUB this year. I had a wonderful time with it last year and this year proves to be even more enjoyable with longer samples and the added organization. The anonymity involved really makes it hard to show bias to a person. Genre, well, that bias can’t be helped lol!!!
OK! I’m signed up for WRiTE CLUB and following Fiona’s blog. Thanks, Dianne!
Those are two very cool blogs–thanks for sharing the links!
Gaaah. I just wish there were more time in the day to participate in all the cool stuff.
I’ve heard of write club, but not the other. Thanks for sharing.
Write Club sounds like a lot of fun! I’m looking forward to reading the entries.
If the first WRiTE Club was anything to go by, this year’s contest will be fantastic!
This is the second post I’ve seen on this subject. I need to go take a look!
I signed up for the Write Club this year, but I’m still now sure on all the ins and outs of it, like whether entrants are limited to one entry, or if they’re expected to submit something new every week. And if we provide our real name and alias to Mrs. DL when we send her an entry. But I reckon all the details will come soon enough. Should be fun.
Write Club sounds awesome!!! I am amidst some R&R so I’m gonna pass on signing up for now but what a great idea and I am looking forward to reading all the entries. Thanks for bringing it to my attention Diane. 🙂
Thank you so much for this! The WRiTE CLUB entries keep pouring in and I’m pretty sure I’m going to two bouts per week (thanks for your suggestion on how to make that work fairly).
The bell will be dinging soon!! 🙂
I’ve never done the WRiTE CLUB before, I just signed up and I’m looking forward to it. I love the anonymous part, puts all of the focus on the writing itself.
It sounds exciting. =)
Thanks Dianne for the info and links. I will definitely dropping in on DL and Fiona.
Write club is going to be so awesome this year! Can’t wait to read some of the entries. 🙂
I’ve seen that Fight Club symbol everywhere. Thanks for the info. I’m not sure I can handle that right now.
Aw, shucks, thanks for the plug, Dianne. I’ll jump over and speed date DL – or fight him, no wait – Follow, then find out more.
already signed up for write club 🙂