Yesterday was the first day of Spring. In Pennsylvania, at least, we had a fairly decent day: sunny, and warm enough for a sweatshirt without a coat, but not short sleeves. This is the state of my back yard.
It brings to mind several thoughts, which I can categorize thusly:
The pool and hot tub are closed, and the waterfall over the gold fish pond is shut down. I really missed the hot tub this weekend, with that gorgeous, over-full moon. However, March is tricky in Pennsylvania. A late snowstorm is not out of the question, along with dipping temperatures that can freeze the pipes. So, I’ll have to look forward to hot-tubbing in April.
Ugh! Clearly I didn’t clean out the dead plants in the fall. Bad Dianne-of-the-Past, leaving all that grotty work for Dianne-of-the-Future! There will be lots of gardening in the upcoming weeks for me – unless I can convince Gina to do it. Hmmm … maybe I should consult Tom Sawyer?
The solar panels on the roof are already in full swing. This is an optimal time of year for them – sunny but not too hot. I look forward to the appearance of all my flowering plants, and being surprised by the things I forgot I planted last year. Soon it will be warm enough to sit under the deck and read or write next to the gold fish pond. And in a few months, I’ll enjoy the pool for exercise and floating – which is my favorite brainstorming activity!
I realized today that I can apply these categories to my writing projects as well:
NOT YET: I have two ideas percolating that are not ready to hit (electronic) paper. I need to let them simmer and not try to rush them (lest the pipes freeze?? I’m not sure that metaphor works!).
TO DO: Make some significant progress on my WIP. Is this thing going to fly or sink? I reached 21,000 words before deciding I needed to make some major changes. So I’m heading back to the beginning – rearranging, reconceiving, rewriting. I’m setting a goal to double this word count in the next couple months or just let the idea go.
LOOKING FORWARD: Bright sunny days are coming; I can feel it. I have several completed projects that I hope will blossom this spring or summer. When school lets out, I’ll have more time for writing, more time to visit other people’s blogs. I’m hoping the soothing sound of the waterfall, the intrigue of mysterious fish that appear in my pond, the colorful backdrop of flowers, and the relaxation of the pool will inspire me for many creative weeks.
I think it’s funny you use the word ‘relaxation’ in your last sentence. Opening our world for Springtime is always so much work. LOL I guess it’s necessary if we want Summer to follow.
Hang in there — those warm, sunny days are right around the corner. 🙂
Your backyard is so beautiful! I love it.
I hear you on the DIY vandals in your last post… the previous occupants on my house were DIYers who really shouldn’t have been. There are so many things they did wrong that we’re tearing out and re-doing. Not fun!
I love this time of year. Our backyard is in very sad condition. We got a puppy in October and he only just started doing his business elsewhere than in our back garden about a month ago. He derailed two of my lavender plants, our rasberry vine, and dug holes in some places too. Lots of clean up, refilling, and replanting to do in order to get it back to what it once was…
I like the addressing of your past self and your future self! 🙂
hi miss dianne! wow you sure got a cool yard. i wish we had a pool cause swimmings my most favorite thing to do. mostly in the summer we go at our cousins house for swimming. im happy for that. i hope when you got your yard all done and that pool going you could do some pictures. i could like to see that fish pond too.
…hugs from lenny
LOVE that yard! I bet it’ll be gorgeous once things are green and blooming again. DO post pics after it comes back to life!
Where are you going to put the hammock? You gotta have a hammock. It’s a great place to hide from neighbor’s asking for favors, unannounced visits, and calls from bill collectors because you’re late with a payment. Have your husband say, “She’s in the hammock.” No one will dare bother you there. It’s a place of sanctuary like a church.
Wow! Awesome backyard! The warm weather will be here to stay, very soon. We are in for some freezing rain tonight. So glad I don’t have to go anywhere tomorrow!
LOVE your back yard!! I am so eager for warm weather and colorful flowers. 🙂
Okay, you’re giving me heart palpitations! I’ve always heard that leaving some leaves in your flower bed is good insulation for the plants in winter. Or maybe I just made that up! 😮