The paperback version of The Caged Graves will come out this August, and when it does, it will have a new cover. I showed it off on Facebook and Twitter last week, but in case you didn’t see it:What do you think? I love it.I admit I was nervous when they said I...
No, not here!If you want to see my beautiful-enough-to-make-me-cry cover for THE CAGED GRAVES, head on over to Icey Books.There’s a giveaway, too!Of course, you don’t have to go. Perhaps you were satisfied with that itty-bitty, poor-resolution...
It was only a couple months ago that I announced the sale of my critique partner Krystalyn Drown’s YA paranormal romance, SPIRIT WORLD to Entranced Publishing. And she already has her cover!But before I show it to you … ta da … an interview...