My Strategy: Never Leave the Next Page Blank

It’s been three weeks since I added any new words to my WIP. This is due to a number of reasons: teaching a writing class at a college, the recent death of my grandfather and the subsequent need to help my mom clean out his house, an editorial deadline, and hosting...

Blogging as a Form of Journaling

I was feeling pretty low this weekend, uninspired and uncreative. I’m working on a first draft of something, and it’s really rough. I also didn’t feel like blogging. So I decided to cheat and look back in my files for something I could recycle. I...

Writers Should Know Better

I was greatly saddened and discouraged last week to see an author tear down another author over how she interpreted his remark in an interview – while a bunch of people dogpiled on, waving pitchforks. (Excuse the mixed metaphor.)  I’m not going to provide links or...


I’m revising a YA historical paranormal manuscript, and I’ve addressed most reader and agent notes – up until the ending. Now, I’m staring at this final chapter (which granted, might need to become two chapters), and trying to figure out what to do with it. Right now,...