by Dianne Salerni | Apr 3, 2017 | book promotions, WIP
Hello, all! It’s been awhile since I posted here, and I feel a little guilty about that. Not a lot, though. You see, since I’ve been here last I have: Driven 1800 miles and flown 1550 miles for book events Given 11 large group presentations Conducted 3 writing...
by Dianne Salerni | Dec 12, 2016 | book promotions, WIP
One of my favorite recent tweets … 2016 — Good-bye and good riddance. Although it hasn’t been a bad year for me personally. Granted, it started off kind of rough, but if you discount the world and national news, it wasn’t all bad. Here’s...
by DianneSalerni | Oct 24, 2016 | pantster, WIP, writing process
Yup. That’s me. Facing the climax of my WIP and wondering, “What’s going to happen?” I know it makes me seem like the worst sort of pantster, progressing 5 months and 56k words into a story and still not knowing what’s supposed to happen in the climax. Believe me,...
by DianneSalerni | Sep 12, 2016 | pantster, WIP
I’ve been spending a lot of time with my scribbling notebook this month. This is the place where I work out plot problems. Some people use white boards, some use index cards or Scrivener. For me, working it out visually and long hand is the way to go. I hang on to my...
by DianneSalerni | Jul 11, 2016 | WIP
via GIPHY Earlier this week, I wrote a great scene in my WIP. One of my main characters witnessed someone who lived in her apartment building pass through a solid wall after revealing herself to be not human. I was thrilled with the way it came together. Then I went...
by DianneSalerni | Jul 4, 2016 | WIP
I first encountered the terms ana and kata when reading William Sleator’s book The Boy Who Reversed Himself. (By the way, if you’re a YA science fiction/horror fan and you’ve never read anything by William Sleator, you should remedy that immediately.) Ana and kata are...