One of my Facebook friends posted an article about the Bender Family on my timeline this weekend, asking if I’d ever heard of their story before. I’m sure she thought of me because of the connection to Spiritualism. (She read my book We Hear the Dead about the Fox sisters.)

I had not heard this story before, and it is chilling and gruesome.

Because I’m hurting for post topics this week — drowning in student work to grade — preparing for parent-teacher conferences — and trying to make a little progress on my WIP, I’m going to link to the article for your morbid amusement instead of writing a real post.

At first, I was confused by the reference to Laura Ingalls Wilder at the beginning, because these people have nothing to do with the Ingalls family.  But then I got it.

This is a twisted version of Little House on the Prairie, with an evil Ma and Pa, and a little house where visitors were welcomed … killed … and buried.

From Mental Floss: The Bloody Benders, America’s First Serial Killers.


Thank you, Katrina Dix!