Recently, The Spirit Game, the 6-minute film short based on my novel, We Hear the Dead, directed by Craig Goodwill and starring Katharine Isabelle, Katie Boland, and Charles Shaughnessy, was posted on YouTube, where you can now watch it for free. Yay! If...
One of my Facebook friends posted an article about the Bender Family on my timeline this weekend, asking if I’d ever heard of their story before. I’m sure she thought of me because of the connection to Spiritualism. (She read my book We Hear the Dead about...
This past Saturday, I was honored to attend a book event at Children’s Book World in Haverford, PA with Adele Griffin and Lisa Brown, author and illustrator of Picture the Dead. I loved this bookstore! Heather Hebert and all the staff made us feel very welcome. When I...
Do you believe communication with the dead is possible?Have you ever felt the presence of someone who was not physically present?Teen Fire wants to know! So much so that they are hosting a contest to give away either a free copy of We Hear the Dead by yours truly or...
One hundred and sixty-two years ago today, in the hamlet of Hydesville in upstate New York, there was a small commotion surrounding the house of Mr. John D. Fox. Mr. Fox roused his neighbors, banging on their doors around 8 o’clock in the evening, and asked them to...
The Fox sisters had a clever little hoax, but it certainly would never have become a nationwide movement and a religion without the endorsement of some key, influential people. During my research, I was astounded to discover that intelligent, educated, and shrewd...