I’ve been working pretty intensely on Book 2 of the Eighth Day series, and there’s also been a lot of exciting benchmarks in the publication of Book 1 this month — a cover reveal, ARCs, and THE EIGHTH DAY is now listed on Amazon and available for pre-order! I also found out the release date, which is APRIL 22!

But every once in awhile, I get reminded that I have other ideas simmering in the back of my mind, waiting for their turn. For example, I can never pass by this abandoned house — located on the property of the White Clay Creek Preserve near the Pennsylvania/Delaware border — without remembering half an idea for a story about this place.

I have in mind a teenage couple, enjoying a walk in the preserve when they get caught in a downpour and take shelter inside this house. One of them never comes out again. The other is suspected of murder (tried and convicted on social media, of course) and nobody believes what really happened. Inspiration for this story comes from chilling tales of disappearances reported by Ambrose Bierce.

The problem is, I only have a premise, not a real story. No character arcs, no plot structure, no idea how to resolve it.

I comfort myself by remembering that I had the premise for a secret day of the week almost 2 years before I finally came up with the plot for THE EIGHTH DAY. So, for now, I’ll just let this house simmer on the back burner. Some day, it will either boil over — or boil away.

Do YOU have any ideas on the back burner?

I’ll be skipping Wednesday this week and returning on Friday for First Impressions in November.