Totally unrelated to this post — But look at this massive
frog who lives in my goldfish pond!

That’s me. Stubborn.

Even though it’s hard to find time to blog while I’m adapting to massive changes at school, working on this MG series with 3 books at various stages of development, keeping my family together, and — uh, that other thing I can’t tell you about which may or may not come to fruition — I don’t want to give up blogging.

I was at a book event this weekend, and the other authors were talking about how they never blogged any more — and also that the bloggers who used to promote their books didn’t blog any more. Is blogging on its way out? I hope not! That’s how I met all of you guys!

I used to blog 3 days a week. A year or so ago, I cut back to 2 days. Lately, when I’m stressed (like last week) I just skip. But it’s a slippery slope … and I don’t want to reach a point where I stop altogether.

I’m going to keep posting as much as I can, and make it a point to visit YOUR blogs — as many as I can — over coffee every morning.

One thing I’m giving up is responding to comments by email, unless you ask me a specific question or I have something I’m dying to tell you. I figure you’d rather I visit and comment on YOUR blogs than just acknowledge that you commented on mine. I can’t do both right now.

And I miss you.