Five tattoos

I test out my ability to stick a picture in the post by using this cool photo my former teaching partner Adriane sent me of her students enjoying Eighth Day tattoos.

Welcome to my new blog/website!

First of all, I want to give credit to the creator, Denise Biondo of Biondo Studio. Β I would certainly recommend her for anyone wanting a professionally designed author site.

I’m a little sad about giving up In High Spirits — and I’m not taking that site down. It would break too many existing links. Plus I’ve got a lot of promotional materials with that blog URL printed on it. I’m just not going to post anything new there.

Another thing about In High Spirits: It has my blogroll on it. That’s my reading list and my guide to visiting YOUR blogs. Right now, I don’t know how to duplicate it on Word Press. I did some searching online, and found a plugin that claims to do the same thing. Then I read the directions for installation:


1. Download the flbrty thing and extract all the grfls.

2. Upload the flbrty thing, stick it in the WP directory, and all the grfls will be there even though you extracted them! It’s like magic!

3. Flip the activate switch, and a small universe will be created based on Javascript DNA.

4. Sit back and wait for minions to evolve and run your blogroll.


Or something like that anyway. Β Pretty much beyond my skill level.

So, I devoted the Memorial Day weekend to learning the parts of WordPress I could handle. Writing this post. Tweaking my other pages. Petting it and admiring the “shiny.”

How did you spend your weekend?