Keeping it short here today. This past weekend was Parents Day at my daughter’s college. Bob and I drove over 4 hours to visit Gabbey at school. When we arrived, the school had planned some activities, but none them appealed to us.

Field Day for Parents? Pass. I am a grown up. No one can ever get me into a Potato Sack Race again.

Football Game? Gabbey said, “Heck no.”

We checked TripAdvisor for local attractions, and this is what we found:


Yup. Things to Do is grayed out. Gabbey’s college is located in the dictionary definition of BOONDOCKS. The Potato Sack Race was looking better and better.

At least we got to spend a couple days with Gabbey.


When I’m at home, our local attractions are:

  • Longwood Gardens (pretty famous)
  • Brandywine River Museum of Art (original Andrew Wyeth paintings, he was a local)
  • Brandywine Battlefield (re-enactment once a year)
  • Go Ape Zip Line and Treetop Adventure at Lum’s Pond (awesome, but now infamous, see earlier post)

If we go a little further afield, we can reach Hershey Park, Hershey World, Lancaster (Amish Country), and anything in Philadelphia.


We live on the southern edge of Amish Country. Getting blocked in by a horse and buggy is not a daily event, but it happens.

What are the local attractions in your neck of the woods?