Nine Months to Go

Nine Months to Go

A listing for The Caged Graves went up on Amazon at the beginning of this month.  The release date is set for May 14, 2013.  That’s nine months from now.It seems like a long wait.  I could have a baby in that amount of time.  In fact, that might be...
Facing the Ugly

Facing the Ugly

Last week, I worked through the copy-edits on THE CAGED GRAVES and mailed the manuscript back to the publisher.  I know there’s still proof-reading to go, but this is one step closer to FINISHED! It was so exciting to see the book worked over to the point...
Copy Edits!!

Copy Edits!!

Guess what’s come back to me?This manuscript feels like a boomerang. Every time I send it off, it comes right back (in a big 4lb package). I suppose it feels that way because nothing happened for 6 months after the book was purchased, and then everything...
April Update

April Update

Hey, everyone! Remember me?It feels like a long time since I’ve written a post or visited any blogs, but I can report that I made productive use of my month-long hiatus.  I’m feeling refreshed and ready to socialize again. I can’t wait to find...
Status Report

Status Report

1. Dryer. Check! The Salerni family now has clothes that are clean and dry, without having to hang them outside in the cold, damp February air.  (I did consider it.)2. Kitchen sink and counter tops. Not yet.  Three more days of hauling dishes to the...
Editorial Notes!

Editorial Notes!

So, my editorial notes for THE CAGED GRAVES arrived yesterday while I was on my lunch break.It’s not the first time I’ve received editorial notes — I had them from Sourcebooks when we were working on WE HEAR THE DEAD and I get them from my agent...