by DianneSalerni | Mar 16, 2011 | Dorians Parlor, Kindle, screenplay
I’m all over the ball park with today’s post. If I was marking a student paper, I would say this selection is “unfocused.” But — hey, we all have unfocused days, right?First of all, I’d like to invite you to pop over to Sara...
by DianneSalerni | Feb 25, 2011 | Kindle, teaching
Technically, they’re not supposed to be there.Of course, neither are cell phones, and we all know half the students have cell phones in their pockets or their backpacks. I insist my daughters bring their phones to school, in fact, just so we can coordinate after...
by DianneSalerni | Jan 21, 2011 | Kindle
A few months back, I blogged about how I was thinking of getting an ebook reader, but I wasn’t sure I’d find it useful – especially considering how many manuscripts I beta-read these days. Although the idea of having books instantly at my fingertips was appealing, I...
by DianneSalerni | Sep 22, 2010 | Kindle
… That is the question.I want one, of course. Books downloaded instantly … an entire library to carry with me on vacation … I even thought the Kindle would be perfect to use at school because I could load it with all the books I teach in class and have them all...