Last week, I was feeling a little depressed. I had just turned in editorial revisions for THE EIGHTH DAY. The manuscript was off to the copy-editing department, and now I had to face my draft of THE EIGHTH DAY #2. And I couldn’t stand to look at it. The first...
I’m almost halfway through Draft #2 of GRUNSDAY now, and I’m not even that worried about the pothole I mentioned last week. I think it’s much improved, and I’ll test its bumpiness when I read through the entire draft. I’ve dropped...
Via Wikimedia CommonsI know where the weak areas are in my WIP. I saw them in the first draft, and I struggled with them again when I wrote an outline for Draft 2.Since I started revisions last weekend, I’ve already deviated from the Draft 2 outline, because I...
Guess what’s come back to me?This manuscript feels like a boomerang. Every time I send it off, it comes right back (in a big 4lb package). I suppose it feels that way because nothing happened for 6 months after the book was purchased, and then everything...
… makes Dianne a very dull girl.I’m still deeply entrenched in the story of … you know … these graves. They’re pretty much the only thing I have on the brain. And since I figure you don’t want to hear any more babbling about my...
Revision. Do you love it – or dread it? What thrills you more: the excitement of a brand new draft with limitless potential – or the nitty-gritty of fleshing out the elements that will make an existing story even better?Personally, I love revision, but there’s always...