Slacker or Slave Driver?

My reading on various blogs – and Tweets and FB posts – would suggest that some writers suffer from procrastination. They find it difficult to force themselves to sit down and write, and I remember a time I used to have the same problem.However, in the past year or...

Kindles (and Nooks) Go to School

Technically, they’re not supposed to be there.Of course, neither are cell phones, and we all know half the students have cell phones in their pockets or their backpacks. I insist my daughters bring their phones to school, in fact, just so we can coordinate after...

Ride in a Riker: The Perfect Automobile

Meet the Riker Demi Coach Electric Automobile, which my character Ann Henry drives in my WIP. Awesome, isn’t it?Did you know that electric cars predated gasoline-powered cars, and that if industry had gone a slightly different way, American cars might have been...

Which Way to Go Next?

I’m back to pantstering my WIP, my little steampunk attempt — which is turning out to be not so much steampunk as alternative historical fiction, but that’s okay for now. I realize this one is going to go through many drafts before it sees the light of day. And...