April Fools and Upcoming First Impressions

I’ve heard a lot of grumbling lately about the reluctance of winter to cut loose its hold on us. It’s spring – it’s the end of March! We’ve had enough lion and would like a little lamb, please! But winter doesn’t always respect the calendar.On April 1, 1997, we had...

Don’t Panic

Revision. Do you love it – or dread it? What thrills you more: the excitement of a brand new draft with limitless potential – or the nitty-gritty of fleshing out the elements that will make an existing story even better?Personally, I love revision, but there’s always...

100 Years to Forget

First, I’d like to extend thanks to Jack Dixon for pointing out this anniversary. It’s a sad thing to remember today, but the consequences of forgetting are too terrible to let it pass unmentioned. On March 25, 1911, 146 workers lost their lives in the Triangle...

Death of the Telephone

Well, maybe not death. But some kind of transformation. Most everybody carries a telephone on their person these days. But how often do you use it to talk to somebody with your voice? I picked up a link to this interesting New York Times article (on Facebook,...

Yearning, Hard Work, and Promise

Yesterday was the first day of Spring. In Pennsylvania, at least, we had a fairly decent day: sunny, and warm enough for a sweatshirt without a coat, but not short sleeves. This is the state of my back yard. It brings to mind several thoughts, which I can categorize...