

A picture is worth a thousand words, so … keeping in mind that our back splash isn’t installed yet and the kitchen island still needs painting … here is our kitchen!And here is our new sink! (There were actually dirty dishes in the sink when I took...
Fun With Research

Fun With Research

Along with the line edits and the revisions, much of the work I’ve been doing on my manuscript for the past couple weeks is checking for historical accuracy – making certain that this item or that detail was appropriate for the setting of my story.I did a lot of this...
Status Report

Status Report

1. Dryer. Check! The Salerni family now has clothes that are clean and dry, without having to hang them outside in the cold, damp February air.  (I did consider it.)2. Kitchen sink and counter tops. Not yet.  Three more days of hauling dishes to the...
Kitchen Progress?

Kitchen Progress?

I promised I’d come back and show you pictures of my newly remodeled kitchen.Yeah, well, we’re not there yet. You might call this the halfway mark.The hideous pink and blue tile floor is gone, and so is the seven-sided island with its incredibly ugly pink...

Let’s Hear It for Alpha Readers!

We all know the value of beta readers, who test out our completed manuscripts and provide the feedback we need to revise and whip them into shape. But I’d like to take a moment to acknowledge the people who read our work as we write it. Sometimes they’re called...