by DianneSalerni | Aug 1, 2016 | First Impressions
Today we have a First Impressions submission from Melissa Guthrie. This is the first page of her young adult historical fiction novel. The working title is OHIO 1863. *** Hewitt Town, Ohio July 4th, 1863 Henry Clemmons opened his eyes just as acid bubbled up from his...
by DianneSalerni | Jul 25, 2016 | history
There’s about a thousand more months left before November and the end of this presidential election, and as awful as it’s been so far, I expect it will get even worse before it’s over. (Not that the nastiness will stop after the election. No matter the...
by DianneSalerni | Jul 18, 2016 | home
I’m happy that the cleome (spider flower) is blooming now! People will stop thinking we are growing marijuana in front of our house. Still waiting on the tomatoes though. Hungry, Hungry Hippos have nothing on our goldfish. Sometimes they leap right into the air...
by DianneSalerni | Jul 11, 2016 | WIP
via GIPHY Earlier this week, I wrote a great scene in my WIP. One of my main characters witnessed someone who lived in her apartment building pass through a solid wall after revealing herself to be not human. I was thrilled with the way it came together. Then I went...
by DianneSalerni | Jul 4, 2016 | WIP
I first encountered the terms ana and kata when reading William Sleator’s book The Boy Who Reversed Himself. (By the way, if you’re a YA science fiction/horror fan and you’ve never read anything by William Sleator, you should remedy that immediately.) Ana and kata are...