Kids at Work

Okay, one of those SNI (Shiny New Ideas) got me. I have temporarily put aside my first draft WIP to revise another manuscript. (Sorry, Marcy Hatch! I know you’re still waiting for that next chapter of the new story.) The most challenging part of the manuscript I’m...

2016 is Getting Better

You may recall I started off the new year with a broken foot and 3 weeks of immobility. That was followed by 2 weeks walking in a boot — during which I managed to wrench my knee. When the boot finally came off, I discovered that I was not going to bounce right...

Cast of Thousands

A couple weeks ago, I lent my husband one of the adult science fiction books I read last month. To my delight, he enjoyed it as much as I did. “It had a lot of characters,” he said, “which usually frustrates me, but the author did a great job of introducing only one...

Attack of the SNI (Shiny New Ideas)

Me: *Stares at WIP on screen.* SNI #1: Psst. Dianne. Me: Go away. I’m busy. SNI #1: It’s me. Your manuscript, XXXX, that you shelved two years ago. I was thinking, what if you changed me from YA to MG? Me: That would be a major change. I’d have to practically gut the...

Life in Bullet Points, February 2016

Good news ~ I’m back in shoes! Bad news ~ I walk like an elderly lady crossing a fun house floor. I admit I was blindsided by this. I had no idea what 3 weeks of immobility and 2 weeks of only partial mobility would do to me. Physical therapy, here I come.  ...