The paperback version of The Caged Graves will come out this August, and when it does, it will have a new cover. I showed it off on Facebook and Twitter last week, but in case you didn’t see it:What do you think? I love it.I admit I was nervous when they said I...
Last Friday night, I had the pleasure of signing books at Otto’s Bookstore in Williamsport, PA. I was invited by the owner, Betsy Rider, after she read THE CAGED GRAVES. (Betsy also wrote a review for the local paper and did radio spots on my upcoming visit.) I wish I...
Last week, I was feeling a little depressed. I had just turned in editorial revisions for THE EIGHTH DAY. The manuscript was off to the copy-editing department, and now I had to face my draft of THE EIGHTH DAY #2. And I couldn’t stand to look at it. The first...
So many of you expressed your concern about my dog last week, I thought I’d give you an update. Sorcia had one small cut on her leg which almost healed on its own TWICE, but she kept gnawing at it and tearing off our bandages. When it became infected, we had to...
So last week was the “launch week” for THE CAGED GRAVES, although the launch party itself only happened last night. (And I’m writing this on Saturday, so I can’t see into the future to tell you how it went.) But this was what happened last week:MONDAY:I had editorial...
Today, I have revisions due for a manuscript, and tomorrow my second book releases (although it’s already out in some book stores as seen here). It is also the last four weeks of the school year, and somehow it has managed to become “report card” time again, when I...