I’m currently charging through revisions on my WIP — on page 120 out of 236 Tuesday night — so slightly over halfway there! At this rate, I’ll have a draft ready for beta readers in about a week. It feels really good after struggling with the...
Sorcia says: Instead of reading reviews,you should play with your dog.In general, authors seem to agree that you shouldn’t read reviews of your book but that it’s almost impossible to resist doing so. Let’s face it. We want to read the good reviews. We don’t want to...
E-galleys of THE EIGHTH DAY were recently released via Edelweiss and NetGalley, and I believe the physical ARCs will be mailed out soon, if they haven’t been already. I started seeing THE EIGHTH DAY appear on To-Read lists on Goodreads tagged with egalley or for...
Reviews. You need them, and yet … they can be painful. I’ve seen authors discuss (on blogs, on Facebook, on Twitter) whether or not they read reviews of their books. I’ve come to the point where I don’t read all of them anymore.However, thanks to social media, there...
I was pretty excited when We Hear the Dead received favorable reviews from Kirkus, Booklist, and School Library Journal. Those are some really powerful names to have backing my work, and I love every one of them.But today I read a review posted on The Snappy Dragon...