If you read Monday’s post about my struggle with my WIP, you might not be surprised to hear I’ve been looking at strategies for outlining. However, if you’ve followed me for any length of time, you’re probably shaking your head, saying, “Again? Dianne, you know...
Back in the last week of July, I was certain that my first post after August First Impressions was going to be an explanation of why I gave up on my WIP, BRANEWORLD. I was about 35k into the story, and I was stuck. I hadn’t written any new words in a week, and...
A few months ago, during the planning of my current WIP, my protagonist was calling all the shots—as usual. She told me her name and age: Jadie Summers, 12. I mentioned I preferred a boy MC for this story, and she told me, “Too bad.” She also declared she was...
1. It’s only a week and a day until The Eighth Day releases, and some book stores have already received their stock and put the books out on the shelves. If you see one, send me a picture by Tweet or FB! If you actually buy one and want the temporary tattoos...
A couple weeks ago, J.E. Oneil at Still Writing tagged me for the Writing Process Blog Hop.1) What am I working on?I’m currently putting the finishing touches on the 4thdraft of the third book in the Eighth Day series so I can send it to my editor later this month. It...
Recently, I was asked whether it was difficult to write non-MG characters into a major role in The Eighth Day without fear of losing my audience. The answer was NO, although before the book sold, I was worried about losing potential publishers.If you write MG or have...